When it comes to investing, diversification plays a part in sound risk management: by spreading your assets among a number of different investments, you reduce your exposure to the risk of underperformance by any one of them.
But simply holding “a number of” investments isn’t enough. Here are five basic components of good portfolio diversification.
Les sources suivantes ont été utilisées dans la rédaction de cet article.
Ballast, « The Importance of Asset Allocation and Diversification ».
CFA Institute, « Peak Diversification: How Many Stocks Best Diversify an Equity Portfolio? ».
Groww, « What is Diversification? ».
Investopedia, « Investment Style: Meaning, Factors, Different Styles ».
JRB, « Investment Fundamentals: The Mutual Fund Style Box ».
MFDA, « Qu’est-ce que la convenance? »
Stockopedia, « How many stocks should you own in your portfolio? ».
Visual Capitalist, « The $109 Trillion Global Stock Market in One Chart ».
Wowa, « S&P/TSX Composite Index ».
Young Research and Publishing, « Risk and Reward: An Efficient Frontier ».